KOMPAS.com – The latest operating system for iPhone, iOS 17, is available for users in Indonesia starting today, Tuesday (19/9/2023), since early this morning. So, users can now update or updates iOS 17 on his iPhone.
So, how? updates iOS 17 on iPhone? Method updates iOS 17 on iPhone is the same as previous generations of iOS. For updates iOS 17 on iPhone, there are at least two ways that users can do this, namely via the settings menu and iTunes.
Also read: iPhone 15 Pro Max specifications and price list, complete
This article will explain in full both ways updates iOS 17 on the iPhone is safe and complies with Apple’s procedures. If you are interested in doing this, please see the explanation below regarding how to do it updates iOS 17 on iPhone.
Method updates iOS 17 on iPhone
1. Updates iOS 17 on iPhone via settings menu (OTA)
The first way is through the settings menu on the iPhone. So, users can downloads iOS 17 directly in the settings menu, then install it. Method updates This is also commonly called the Over the Air (OTA) method. The method is as follows:
- Open the settings menu on iPhone.
- Then, scroll down and click the “General” option.
- After that, click on the “Software Update” option.
- Wait a few moments until the system successfully loads the operating system update data. After the iOS 17 data appears, click the “Download and Install” option.
- Make sure you have an adequate internet connection so that the download process runs smoothly. For smooth downloading, you should use a WiFi internet connection.
- After the iOS 17 download process is complete, the user will be asked to install it.
- The iOS 17 installation process will probably take around 30 minutes.
- In the process of installing iOS 17, the iPhone will reload. Wait until the installation process is complete and the iPhone successfully enters the Home screen.
- While the installation process is running, do not take action to turn off the iPhone’s power.
- Make sure the battery power is more than 50 percent so that the iPhone doesn’t turn off during the installation process.
- Failing to install the operating system may cause several problems such as the iPhone not turning on or failing to reload.
2. Updates iOS 17 on iPhone via iTunes
The second way is through the iTunes application on the desktop (computer or laptop). If you use this method, downloads iOS 17 will be carried out via iTunes when the iPhone is connected to the desktop. The explanation of how is as follows:
- Make sure your computer or laptop has the latest version of iTunes. Usually, desktops with the MacOS operating system will immediately have iTunes installed. If you are a Windows-based desktop user, you can download iTunes first via the following link.
- Once you have iTunes, connect your iPhone to the desktop.
- When connected, it will appear push notification on the iPhone screen to verify the desktop as a trusted device,
- Then, iTunes will usually automatically open and sync with the iPhone.
- Once the sync is complete, click the phone icon at the top of the app to access the iPhone settings menu in iTunes, then click the “Summary” tab.
- Next, all the information from your iPhone will appear, such as cellphone type, model number, and so on.
- Click the “Update” option in the “Summary” tab, then iTunes will start the iOS 17 data download process.
- Make sure your desktop is connected to an adequate internet connection so that the download process runs smoothly.
- After downloading, you are asked to install iOS 17 on your iPhone.
- During the data installation process, the iPhone will reload and do not remove the iPhone from the desktop.
- Wait a few moments until the iPhone turns on and successfully enters the main screen.
Those are two ways updates iOS 17 on iPhone, pretty easy, right? As additional information, not all iPhone models can updates iOS 17. So, before doing updatesmake sure the iPhone you are using supports iOS 17.
List of iPhones that can updates iOS 17
So, what iPhone can? updates iOS 17? In general, the iPhone can updates iOS 17 is an iPhone model released from 2018 or newer.
iPhone models under 2018 such as the iPhone X and older will not be able to update the operating system to iOS 17. The complete list of iPhone models that can updates iOS 17 is as follows:
- iPhone 14
- iPhone 14 Plus
- iPhone 14 Pro
- iPhone 14 Pro Max
- iPhone 13
- iPhone 13 mini
- iPhone 13 Pro
- iPhone 13 Pro Max
- iPhone 12
- iPhone 12 mini
- iPhone 12 Pro
- iPhone 12 Pro Max
- iPhone 11
- iPhone 11 Pro
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- iPhone XR
- iPhone SE 2022 (iPhone SE Generation 3)
- iPhone SE 2020 (iPhone SE Generation 2)
Apart from the models above, the iPhone 15 series (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max), which Apple has just released, also supports running iOS 17. That’s a list of iPhones that can updates iOS 17.
Also read: Complete iPhone 15 Pro specifications and price list
Like the presence of iOS in previous generations, iOS 17 will also bring several new features. In iOS 17, the new features generally focus on improving the sharing and communication experience between users.
So, what are the features of iOS 17? For more details, here is a list of iOS 17 features that will be present on the iPhone.
1. Contact poster
Apple.com Contact poster feature in iOS 17.
The first iOS 17 feature is contact posters. Through this feature, users can create posters or images to represent themselves which can appear on other users’ cellphone screens when called.
2. Live Voicemail
Second, there is a Live Voicemail feature. In iOS 17, when someone leaves a Voicemail, users can immediately see a transcript or text copy of that person’s voice on the iPhone screen and have the opportunity to reply to that person’s message.
3. NameDrop create various contact information
Apple Illustration of NameDrop in iOS 17.
The next iOS 17 feature is NameDrop. Through this feature, users can share their contact information with each other just by holding the iPhone close. When the iPhone is brought close, contact information will appear and can be saved between users.
4. Make stickers move in iMessage
iOS 17 brings a number of updates to iMessage. One of them is a feature that allows users to create stickers from selected photo objects. Then, the sticker can be made to become a moving sticker.
5. Transcribe audio messages in iMessage
Apart from moving stickers, iMessage on iOS 17 is also equipped with a new audio message transcript feature. Through this feature, users can immediately view transcripts or text copies of audio messages sent in iMessage.
6. Check-in on iMessage
iMessage on iOS 17 is also equipped with a safety feature called Check-in. This feature allows users to get notifications that other users, such as family members, relatives or friends, have arrived at their destination safely.
When another user has arrived at their destination, the user will receive a notification automatically. If it doesn’t arrive, the user will be shared with some important information, such as the device’s current location, battery level, and cellular service status.
7. StandBy Mode
Apple Illustration of the StandBy mode feature in iOS 17.
Seventh, the iOS 17 feature is StandBy mode. This feature allows the iPhone screen to remain on to display simple content (such as the clock, calendar, or photos) in full, while the iPhone is connected to a charger.
Also read: This is the price of the iPhone 15 Series in Singapore, you can buy it starting September 22
8. Lock Private tabs in Safari
The iOS 17 feature also targets Safari. One of the features of iOS 17 in Safari is the lock on Private mode tabs. Users can add a key or password to access the Private tab, so that it is not easily opened by other people.
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